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Manhattan Institute's President's Update | Spring 2021

7 Apr 2021

technologies behind them and political institutions It is also a testament to can help humanity defeat are in the midst of the boundless creative fierce conflicts over free potential of free all manner of diseases, speech and ideological societies and a reminder that the freedom to from malaria to cancer. [...] As Mangual notes robust findings of empirical criminology, in the piece, however, “statistics are poor supported by study after study since at least stand-ins for the lives cut short, the families the late 1990s.” This is a truth that police torn apart, and the innocence stolen from the departments are struggling to honor as they souls of children—like the 6-year-old girl shed officers at an alarm. [...] At the end of January, there was widespread agreement on that conflict, the United States demobilized what his top priorities ought to be: end the the war effort and began an era of rapid pandemic as quickly as possible while pro- economic growth that gradually eased the viding targeted economic relief to the unem- debt burden. [...] The American Rescue Plan (ARP) America is capable of winding down the combines some worthwhile “emergency” welfare state it proposals—more money for vaccines, for instance—with Relative to has built over the last year and igniting an era of rapid growth others that have little to do the size of the and widespread opportunity. [...] co-opt the language of reform for the cause of a larger, more intrusive, government Improving the hit-or-miss nature of New that serves politically connected insiders York City’s schools would help the city at the expense of the public interest.
Published in
United States of America