cover image: Volunteer Youth - PROJECT NOTE Interreg Project Partner - support, promote and report

Volunteer Youth - PROJECT NOTE Interreg Project Partner - support, promote and report

22 Oct 2024

The content of the task description should be, to the furthest extent possible, developed and agreed on together by the host organisation and the volunteer and, if needed, should be updated during the volunteering activity; • commit themselves to develop and implement quality standards that ensure preparation and briefing, offer personal guidance, assistance and monitoring throughout the entire pr. [...] Please outline the solidarity scope/dimension of the project in which the volunteer will participate. [...] Measures to ensure the safety and protection of participants Please comply with the safety and protection standards stated by the volunteering programme: I confirm I hereby confirm that the host organisation will implement all necessary measures to adhere to the principle of avoiding harmful activities. [...] Supporting the volunteer in relocating Please describe how you will help the volunteer in settling in: Please confirm that you understand that the IVY experience will be carried out in person, and remote volunteer is, as a rule, not accepted: I confirm I understand that it is expected that the volunteer is hosted in presence at the premises of the host organisation 1. [...] Measures you will take to support the volunteer in dealing with administrative issues in the host country and in your organisation if required: Please attach the declaration signed by a representative of the Managing Authority or Joint Secretariat of the Interreg programme the project is financed by.


Maria Fernanda Fracassi Pietrobeli (AEBR)

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