cover image: ACED 10ANS 17 X 24. Anglais WEB 2 pdf


ACED 10ANS 17 X 24. Anglais WEB 2 pdf

2 Jun 2020

the productivity of smallholder farmers, increase the incomes and food security of poor urban residents, enhance the wellbeing of women-led The information in the following section households, and reduce deforestation and provides a more detailed description of the GHG emissions. [...] A review of their earnings and food security indicators The initiative created a framework for the devel- show that these gardens can generate around opment of urban allotment gardens to provide €6,000 per hectare per year, and increase the poor urban dwellers, and especially women, consumption of healthy food and the number of with an opportunity to produce and access fresh, days participants eat. [...] Now, ing: the biophysical characteristics of inland the materials produced by the programme are of waters; regulatory rules of shared water good use to us to engage fishers and policymak- resources; constraints encountered by inland ers on the challenges posed by the pollution of fisher communities; and the roles and the lakes and how to overcome them,” says constraints of women involved in fisher. [...] their training and 01 experience, to provide guidance to youth-supporting institutions, such as the National Fund for the Promotion of Enterprise and Youth Employment, to develop targeted interventions that account for the diverse needs of youth; A report to identify and analyse more than 50 business opportunities for youths – with low 02 technical skills and investment capacity – in the pineapple. [...] The the University of Quebec in Montreal, the Univer- studies and their results were presented in sity of Moncton in Canada – which integrated Niamey, Niger, at the Fourth Agricultural Science the research findings into its academic courses – Week of West and Central Africa; in Montreal, and the Ministry of Environment in Senegal; the Canada, at the 82nd Congress of ACFAS (Asso- purpose of these c.
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