cover image: SHADES OF BLUE: - The Geography of the Atlantic Ocean Economy in Brazil

SHADES OF BLUE: - The Geography of the Atlantic Ocean Economy in Brazil

11 Nov 2024

In the complete interregional input-output model, using the original sectoral flows, the output of the economy is given by: (4) Using as the matrix associated with restricted intersectoral trade flows due to the exclusion of the various blue economy activities, and , the sea-related final demand, gross output in the economy would be given by: (5) Therefore, after the partial extraction: (6) where. [...] By mapping each 9 Policy Center for the New South Shades of Blue: The Geography of the Atlantic Ocean Economy in Brazil of the 1,331 subsectors to one of the 128 product groups, we were able to isolate the contribution of the blue economy to gross output in each coastal municipality using employment and labor income shares. [...] The sum of these vectors defines the direction and magnitude of the resultant vector, which determines the point’s position on the plane. [...] In the southern part of the country, the availability of better transport infrastructure and network effects enhances the concentration of the transport sector. [...] ABOUT THE POLICY CENTER FOR THE NEW SOUTH The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) is a Moroccan think tank aiming to contribute to the improvement of economic and social public policies that challenge Morocco and the rest of Africa as integral parts of the global South.

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