cover image: Creation of an evidence panel for action against AMR

Creation of an evidence panel for action against AMR

10 Jul 2024

For the panel to achieve the desired impact, Central to these recommendations is our we believe that member states need to support for the creation of a scientific consider certain key aspects of the scope, evidence panel to guide national and global governance, and composition. [...] Scope: To be effective, the panel needs to While the panel could be established by the be able to synthesise and advance members of the quadripartite, and a secretariat the evidence base on AMR across could be hosted within one of them, its the One Health spectrum. [...] It should establish national-level AMR This should support effective prioritisation focal points for its work, with a transparent and policy choices at both a national and process for the acceptance by member states global level and complement and enhance of recommendations and conclusions from the existing work of the quadripartite. [...] Composition: The panel should draw flexibly on The scope of the panel should complement experts from a wide range of disciplines existing advisory bodies in AMR and other and sectors, reflecting its scope. [...] Additionally, whilst While breadth and depth of expertise should the Global Leaders Group (GLG) should be be paramount, consideration should be given guided by the outputs of the panel, there to whether participating member states play should be a clear distinction between the a direct role in nominating members of the panel’s technical role and the political panel.
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United Kingdom