endowment of livestock and sufficient labor availability is This policy brief assesses trade development and a source of significant comparative advantage against competitiveness of the leather value chain in Tanzania, growing demand for leather and leather products in focusing on market competitiveness and production domestic, regional and international markets. [...] Production of hides and skins The production of hides and skins constitute a significant proportion of upstream activities in the leather value chain. [...] Volume (tons) Value (TZS million) Challenges facing the trade competitiveness of the involves control of livestock diseases and parasites up to leather industry in Tanzania the final stages of the value chain including marketing and Limited technology and innovation adoption in the exporting of leather and leather products. [...] This hinders the productivity of One, promotion and upgrading of technology and leather and leather products despite the country being innovation in the management and processing of hides endowed with raw materials and labor availability that and skins as well as in processing. [...] Production of poor quality of hides and of hides and skins, storage and preservation of hides and skins hinders its market share in both regional and global skins up to the final stage of the chain.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 6
- Published in
- Tanzania