The Precision Agriculture for Resilient Commercial Horticulture Sector Project will promote horticulture commercialization by (i) catalyzing the formation of producer groups and (ii) strengthening vertical market linkages between producer groups and downstream agribusiness. The project location is in Bakhmal district in the Jizzakh region, directly benefiting at least 170 small-scale farmers while indirectly supporting at least 85 agricultural workers and their families. The beneficiary small-scale farmers will collaborate in producer groups to produce consistent and high-quality produce, and the beneficiary agribusinesses will source raw produce from these producer groups. The project will provide digital and climate-smart equipment for horticultural production, post-harvest handling, and processing. In addition to supporting horticulture commercialization, the project will also promote adaptation of new technologies to improve water- and energy-efficiency and climate resilience.
- Pages
- 4
- Project Number
- 58181-001
- ProjectStatus
- Approved
- Published in
- Philippines