cover image: INC-5 BOOKLET #PlasticsTreaty

INC-5 BOOKLET #PlasticsTreaty

20 Nov 2024

This would be important in order to complete the drafting and agreement on treaty text including all the core obligations needed to end plastic pollution across the life cycle of plastics from extraction and production to the stage of legacy waste and pollution. [...] The INC-5 on plastic pollution could consider the following proposal for additional negotiating time both before and after the diplomatic conference: The guiding principle for the upcoming negotiations must be to deliver a treaty that is fit for the purpose to end plastic pollution in time for the diplomatic conference. [...] This chapter is a summary of a GAIA briefing drawing policy inferences from the LBNL study.24 The full life cycle of plastic starts with the extraction of fossil fuels, which provide both the feedstock and the energy source for plastic production 75% of greenhouse gas emissions from primary plastic production happen prior to polymerization, in the extraction and refining of fossil fuels, productio. [...] Protecting economies from the greater harm of plastic overproduction and pollution The transition to a plastic production cap and phasedown will have some costs, but these are dwarfed by the cost of plastic pollution and its effects on the environment and human health. [...] Given the numerous data gaps on costs from plastic pollution, including the costs for human health outside of Europe, the US and Canada, the costs of damage to terrestrial ecosystems across the world, the cost of micro and nano-plastic cleanup, as well as the 38 Quaker United Nations Office & Eunomia Consulting (2024).

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