cover image: Challenge Poverty Week 2024: Policy Briefing 2 A Scotland where we can all get where we need to go

Challenge Poverty Week 2024: Policy Briefing 2 A Scotland where we can all get where we need to go

1 Oct 2024

How do we get there? • Expanding concessionary travel to under 25s, people in receipt of low- income and disability benefits and unpaid carers; • Integrate our transport systems and expand concessionary travel to include all modes of transport including rail, ferry and tram; and • Ensure public transport funding is directed towards networks which are affordable, reliable, safe and meet the needs o. [...] 1 Challenge Poverty Week 2024: Policy Briefing 2 A Scotland where we can all get where we need to go We are calling on the Scottish Government to improve the affordability and accessibility of public transport so all of us have the same freedoms to access essential services, employment and leisure. [...] We need to integrate our transport systems and expand concessionary travel to include all modes of transport including rail, ferry and tram The integration of concessionary travel schemes and ticketing was a key priority for people in both rural and urban areas during our engagement with people with experience of poverty as part of the Scottish Government’s fair fares review. [...] This failure is particularly impactful for: women and girls who account for the majority of public transport users and face concerns for their safety; disabled people who continue to face issues of accessibility; and Black and minority ethnic people who often withdraw from activities to ensure their safety in the face of legitimate fears of violence and discrimination. [...] We need to ensure public transport funding is directed towards networks which are affordable, reliable, safe and meet the needs of local people The Transport Act 2016 was the right step towards allowing local authorities to design public transport that works for local needs.


David Eyre

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