cover image: Mental Health Foundation and Poverty Alliance Training Needs Overview

Mental Health Foundation and Poverty Alliance Training Needs Overview

15 Oct 2024

In the context of Scotland’s cost-of-living crisis, it is timely to support organisations working with people experiencing poverty to build their capacity to promote It is this intersectionality between poverty and mental health and wellbeing, as well as to increase mental health that has led the Mental Health knowledge on the best ways to prevent mental health Foundation and the Poverty Alliance. [...] Mental HealtH Foundation and Poverty alliance training needs overview Survey Findings Overall, the training needs survey more practical mental health approaches (Ways to highlighted that whilst confidence prevent mental health problems, Ways to support in knowledge around mental health good mental and Trauma-informed approaches) which staff without managerial responsibility theory and the links be. [...] mental health issues One of the most consistent findings across all • Dealing with traumas and sometimes multiple three groups was that lack of access to training for traumas organisations was not necessarily the issue but more • Supporting own mental health and mental a lack of capacity to embed this training once staff health of colleagues despite lack of training had returned to their jobs. [...] respondents to support their own mental health and Furthermore it was highlighted volunteers and freelance the mental health of their colleagues, particularly staff were often left out of training that was offered to when they had had no formal training in this and staff and that this was problematic due to the nature of it was not necessarily always something their some services being that volunt. [...] • Practical mental health and wellbeing training • Trauma-informed approaches • Culturally sensitive approaches to mental health & wellbeing • How to support colleagues and self • Confident conversations • Empowering people who access services • General/theoretical mental health and wellbeing • Signposting • Links between mental health and poverty • Establishing a reasonable duty of care for organ.
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