Structure of the HRIA The HRIA has two parts: Part A: Impact and Discrimination In Section 1, parties are asked to describe the purpose Section 3 is an assessment of whether the AI of the AI system, what it is intended to do, and the system disproportionately impacts individuals or reason for implementing the system. [...] 6 Human Rights AI Impact Assessment Part A Assessing Purpose and Impact SECTION 1 The purpose of the AI system Questions 1-4 are intended to identify the purpose of an AI system, why it is needed and the objective it hopes to achieve. [...] What is the general function of the What is the intended purpose of the AI system? AI system? What are the main and secondary objectives? If there is more Provide a general description of the function of the AI system. [...] Who is the AI system designed to What are the alternatives for meeting benefit? Who could be harmed by the these objectives? Why is an AI system AI system? needed or preferred? After describing the function of the AI system Why is an AI system the preferred option to meet (question 1) and the intended purpose of the system the objectives set out in question 2? Are there (question 2), consider the. [...] Have you created a process to review i) H ow often will your team meet to and assess human rights regularly review and assess human rights for throughout the lifecycle of the AI this AI system? system? The frequency of a human rights assessment depends on how the system is used and how it is designed.
- Pages
- 52
- Published in
- Canada