cover image: Breaking Barriers to Women's Employment in Azerbaijan (English)

Breaking Barriers to Women's Employment in Azerbaijan (English)

28 Nov 2024

This report explores the key issues relating to women's employment in Azerbaijan and offers recommendations to policymakers and companies for tackling gender-based occupational segregation in the labor market and increasing women's participation in sectors where they are underrepresented. The report specifically examines gender gaps within the transport sector, presenting the findings of gender assessments conducted for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) Azerbaijan Railways (ADY) and International Trade and Sea Port of Baku (PoB) as part of the World Bank's Strengthening women's human capital for their better labor market outcomes 2023-2024 initiative within the European Union (EU)-funded Azerbaijan Rapid Technical Assistance Facility (AZTAF). The insights and recommendations presented in this report are relevant to a broad range of stakeholders committed to fostering equal opportunity in the workplace and strengthening women's human capital in Azerbaijan and beyond, including policymakers and companies in transport and other male-dominated sectors. They are particularly pertinent to large male-dominated organizations in the early stages of formulating their gender strategies and undergoing significant modernization efforts within transport and related fields.
health entrepreneurship women rural development europe and central asia azerbaijan economic growth enterprise development population skills development private sector development gender and employment labor market institutions ict demographic dividend nutrition and population urban and rural development jobs and poverty inclusive jobs womens empowerment ict solutions human development and gender determinants of growth labor market policy and programs public administration - social protection rural infrastructure and service delivery jobs and development human capital and growth active labor market programs gender and economic empowerment markets and institutions for poverty reduction and shared prosperity


World Bank

Mentioned Organizations

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Breaking Barriers to Women's Employment in Azerbaijan
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
AZ-Azerbaijan: Strengthening Women'S Human Capital For Their Bette -- P179715
TF No/Name
TF0B9552-Azerbaijan Rapid Technical Assistance Facility,TF0C3453-AZTAF Gender
Unit Owning
Infra ECA Transport (IECTR)
Version Type
Volume No

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