This report, Trajectories: Prosperity and Poverty Reduction in the Colombian Territory, explores the factors behind the lower capacity of many to lead productive lives in Colombia, particularly their lower accumulation of assets. It examines how this capacity persistently differs across municipalities and departments and across gender, ethnicity, and migratory status. The report's focus on assets highlights poor people's capacity to generate income and escape poverty. It, therefore, adopts an assets-based approach, which recognizes that the capacity of an individual or household to generate market income depends on the assets they possess, their human, physical, financial, social, and natural capital, and how they subsequently use those assets in markets to generate income. Addressing territorial inequalities has been recognized as a policy priority in Colombia, and this report brings new evidence to the public debate. With nearly two out of five future workers living in poorer areas, a failure to invest in the productive capacity of these younger generations is a missed opportunity for higher economic growth potential. Specifically, the report makes four main contributions. First, it brings new evidence on regional inequalities to the public debate through new data and measures that go beyond what has been traditionally produced and that zoom in to a more granular geographical level: the municipality. This provides new insights into the challenges at hand and their heterogeneity across the country. The report prepares and presents, for instance, municipal data on incomes and poverty and their evolution, allowing an assessment of patterns and drivers of progress. Second, its analytical anchoring in the assets-based approach puts the focus on people and their ability to lead productive lives. Third, through this focus on assets, it provides a multisectoral view of the challenges to addressing territorial inequalities in access to opportunities and accordingly offers a multidimensional view of the policy discussion it proposes. Finally, the report suggests policy principles and examples to inform the broader debate on reducing poverty and inequality across Colombia.