cover image: Fact Sheet - Risks across the carbon dioxide disposal chain Goals

Fact Sheet - Risks across the carbon dioxide disposal chain Goals

15 Nov 2024

Fact Sheet Risks across the carbon dioxide disposal chain Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is proposed as a means for addressing a portion of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by the oil and gas industry, along with other high carbon-emitting industrial processes. [...] CO2 disposal is not one activity but a string of separate projects that include CO2 capture from effluent streams; separation, purification, and compression for transport; transportation; compression for well injection, and geologic disposal underground or, in most cases, use for forcing more oil and gas out of older production fields in a process referred to as "enhanced recovery." Each of these. [...] Goals Challenges • CCS attempts to mitigate emissions by capturing • Real-world data shows carbon capture efficacy CO2 from industrial effluents and production rates vary widely, averaging 50%, and none even processes, transporting it, then injecting it close to the industry targets of 90%-95% underground for disposal: • Storing carbon dioxide underground is not an - CO2 is compressed into a “supe. [...] Grant Hauber, Strategic Energy Finance Advisor, Asia Risks CO2 Purity Requirements • CO2 purity requirements for CCS are very high, reaching 99.998% for super-critical fluid • Contaminants can change CO2 properties, affecting the liquid-gas density point and potentially resulting in accelerated corrosion of pipeline and well casing systems • CO2 needs pre-processing to remove such contaminants lik. [...] Norway’s Sleipner and Snøhvit CCS: Industry models or cautionary tales?.
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