Impact of Breast Cancer on Women’s Distress and Quality of Life The PROgress Tracker Breast Cancer Registry by Breast Cancer Canada is collecting data on the impacts of breast cancer on patients’ lives across Canada. [...] As the first national registry covering all stages of breast cancer and accessible without a referral from a healthcare provider, it aims to use these insights to improve patient care. [...] YACC Recover Study – Quality of Life in Young Adults with Cancer The Recover Study by Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) aims to understand how cancer affects the quality of life for young adults (under 40) in Canada over time. [...] Due to the small sample size, the analysis was expanded to include anyone who identified as a visible minority, which showed declines in access to care, respect for patient preferences, and coordination of care. [...] MN, RN, CON(C), Clinical Nurse Specialist, BC Cancer Body Image and Breast Cancer – A Photovoice Exploration This presentation focused on how adults with breast cancer perceive body image and the potential gaps in healthcare providers' understanding of these concerns.
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