It is not clear from the data whether the the types, transport modes, and seizure locations of increases are due to improved detection and illicit firearms shipments from the United States to interdiction capabilities, greater international the Caribbean and Latin America, and highlights key cooperation, increased trafficking, changes in differences in trafficking dynamics between the latter data. [...] Trends in Trafficking: Comparing US-based Firearms Trafficking to the Caribbean and Latin America 3 Small Arms Survey SITUATION UPDATE rifles seized in shipments to Latin America is still The data indicates that the seizure rate of high- significantly higher than the quantity found in capacity magazines is increasing in Caribbean-bound shipments to the Caribbean. [...] The data also reveals that the dynamics ports in 12 states.13 Dividing the 62 seizures linked of trafficking to most of Latin America are more to this office by the number of states and years similar to trafficking to the Caribbean than to studied yields an average of less than one seizure Mexico, for example. [...] the methodological peril of the over-aggregation of regional data on arms trafficking and the need for It is clear from the data that comparatively few detailed, disaggregated data on each country in a illicit shipments of firearms to the Caribbean and given region. [...] About the Pathway to Policy project The project ‘Pathway to Policy: Integrating Security and Public Health Responses to Firearms Trafficking and Violence in the Caribbean’ aims to improve the quality and availability of relevant data and analysis on matters related to firearms proliferation and misuse in the Caribbean.
- Pages
- 10
- Published in
- Switzerland