cover image: The BlueBook - A Medical Guide for our Projects - The BlueBook


The BlueBook - A Medical Guide for our Projects - The BlueBook

26 Oct 2020

The new revised edition of the BlueBook should serve as a guideline in respect to the changed working conditions and local contexts in the various projects. [...] An examination of the abdominal crease supports the diagnosis: A crease is lifted from the side of the navel in the vertical direction. [...] If the mother leaves the clinic before the end of the rehydration period: Explain to mother about the treatment and how to much ORS to give to finish initial 4-hour treatment period. [...] The choice of antibiotic can be made under the conditions of limited diagnostic possibilities in the projects of the German Doctors without bacteriological stool examination according to the following symptom-orient- ed algorithm: 24 Ë Prevention One of the most important preventive measures against diarrhoea is to prevent the development of diarrhoea: Access to clean drinking water good sanitat. [...] If obstruction persists turn child and give 5 chest thrusts in the middle of the breast bone (in infants with 2 fingers, in older children with the heel of the hand).
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