cover image: Training report: For delivering a capacity building training for renewable energy CSO network (RECSO


Training report: For delivering a capacity building training for renewable energy CSO network (RECSO

26 Jan 2021

With regards to the approved national budget, he informed participants that overall, there has been a decrease in allocations to the renewable energy sector and that with these reductions, the sector may not be able to deliver on the targets of the National Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals. [...] 4 | P a g e 1.4 Workshop Objectives The overall objective of the training was to train and equip members of the network with knowledge and skills in budget tracking and monitoring for application during planning and budget processes at both local and national level to influence allocation to the renewable energy sub-sector. [...] 2.2 Mandate of citizens to participate in budget advocacy The facilitator referred the participants to the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 and the Public Finance Management Act 2015. [...] They bring various stakeholders operating at the district and the lower local government level to discuss the budget indicative figures and key issues of concern for inclusion in the budget. [...] 2.4 Budget Analysis After presentations and discussions of the national and Local Government budget process, the facilitator introduced the topic on budget analysis which he said was about understanding the contents of the budget in terms of figures and what it is intended to achieve under different sectors.



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