Policy Brief: Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Resilience to Climate Change in Uganda, Dec


Policy Brief: Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Resilience to Climate Change in Uganda, Dec

26 May 2021

The NDP III (2020/21-2024/25) that espouses the of agricultural production to land degradation and climate goal of stopping and reversing the effects of Climate risks (ATAAS-SLM); Change on economic growth and livelihood security g. [...] Policy Recommendation: The Climate Change Committee of Parliament should cause the expeditious tabling and discussion of the National Climate Change Bill, 2020 for enactment of an Act of Parliament for purposes of mainstreaming commitment and sanctions for non- adherence to the Uganda Climate Change Policy and sector declarations. [...] sector resource allocation level that inevitably and adversely affects availability of funding to climate resilience actions; Policy Recommendation: The Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Water and Environment Policy Recommendation: Through the Budget Committee, should be strengthened with adequate financial, human and Parliament should champion evaluation of responsiveness to nati. [...] The practice of UNMA coordinating with the line department at local government levels on Policy Recommendation: only specific activities like information dissemination has aggravated Ministries of Local Government and Public Service should the effects of not mirroring the aspiration of the Climate change strengthen the human resource capacity of local department and UNMA at local government level. [...] Whereas the government of Uganda has instituted a compressive framework for championing climate reliance, the study has brought Policy Recommendation: The Ministry of Water and to light the glaring gaps in climate resilience budget allocation Environment should strengthen the effectiveness of the evidenced by trends that fall below the policy targets embedded in District Environment Committees so.



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