cover image: A Roadmap to - Daniel Yawitz Alyson Kenward, PhD Eric D. Larson, PhD

A Roadmap to - Daniel Yawitz Alyson Kenward, PhD Eric D. Larson, PhD

4 Sep 2013

Larson, PhD Climate Central surveys and conducts scientific research on climate change and informs the public of Princeton key findings. [...] We investigate and synthesize weather and climate data and science to equip local communities and media with the tools they need. [...] September 2013 (revised) Daniel Yawitz Research Analyst Daniel Yawitz is a High Meadows Fellow serving as a Research Analyst and Multimedia Fellow at Climate Central. [...] Her research interests include the connection between climate change and wildfires, as well as the potential of clean-energy technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. [...] Larson leads energy-related research at Climate Central while also being part of the research faculty at Princeton University in the Energy Systems Analysis Group of the Princeton Environmental Institute.

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