cover image: Working Paper - A First Look at Biennial Transparency Reports Under the Paris Agreement

Working Paper - A First Look at Biennial Transparency Reports Under the Paris Agreement

7 Jan 2025

The submitted data on progress towards the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) informs about the status of mitigation actions and the progress of the global community to- wards the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. [...] As mentioned earlier, the LDCs and SIDS may submit the information referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement at their discretion.9 A total of 75 Parties to the Paris Agreement are LDCs, SIDS, or both.10 The remaining 120 Parties to the Paris Agreement were required to submit their first BTR by 31 December 2024.11 Although the requirement to submit the first BTR by the 2024 deadline does not. [...] 3 Contents of the submissions Besides the information on greenhouse gas inventories (NID and CRT), the main elements of the BTR submission cover the topics of mitigation, adaptation and support. [...] Among the developing country Parties, two submitted information on support provided and mobilized in the BTR and CTF; one submitted such information in the BTR only, and another Party submitted such information in the CTF only. [...] The submitted data on progress towards NDC implementation informs about the status of mitigation actions and the progress of the global community towards the temperature goal of the Paris Agree- ment.
climate change; paris agreement; unfccc; transparency; enanced transparency fram


Lorenz Moosmann

Mentioned Organizations

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