cover image: Increasing Women's Representation, Safety, and Access to Better Jobs in Natural Resources Sectors Across Regions (English)


Increasing Women's Representation, Safety, and Access to Better Jobs in Natural Resources Sectors Across Regions (English)

14 Sep 2021

Companies working in natural resources sectors are increasingly recognizing that advancing gender diversity in their workforce is both right and smart business. Yet, women have traditionally been underrepresented in this sector. In this context, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), with the support of the Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE), created two toolkits which aim to ensure that both women and men from communities where natural resources projects are implemented can benefit, that women's needs are taken into account, and that women gain access to better employment in these sectors. These tools were published in English, French, and Spanish, and have been adopted by companies and client governments from over ten countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, and Africa.
gender equality environment energy urban infrastructure gender-based violence supply chain natural resources industry water resources code of conduct gender gap gender and development mining sector mining services world sexual abuse mining companies gender diversity natural resource sector natural resources and blue economy the world region coastal and marine resources energy and natural resources other sectors host communities community consultation diagnostic tool gender assessment natural community male worker mining company information on gender large-scale mining recruitment practice diagnostic instrument women and business mining & extractive industry non-energy
Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
Increasing Women's Representation, Safety, and Access to Better Jobs in Natural Resources Sectors Across Regions
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE);
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Gender and Economic Inclusion Gr (CEGGB)
Version Type
Volume No


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