cover image: Optimal care pathway for women with endometrial cancer S E


Optimal care pathway for women with endometrial cancer S E

31 May 2021

Patients first – optimal care 7 Principles of the optimal care pathway The seven principles of care define appropriate and supportive cancer care that is the right of all patients and the right of those caring for and connected with them. [...] Figure 2: The seven principles underpinning the optimal care pathway UNDERPINNING PRINCIPLES PATIENT- SAFE AND MULTI- SUPPORTIVE CARE COMMUNI- RESEARCH CENTRED CARE QUALITY CARE DISCIPLINARY CARE COORDINATION CATION AND CLINICAL CARE TRIALS Principle 1: Patient-centred care Patient-centred care informs and involves patients in their care and respects and responds to the preferences, needs and valu. [...] Patient-centred care means: • patients are informed and involved in decisions about their cancer and the treatment, post-treatment and recovery program ahead • patients, their families and carers are provided with access to appropriate and accessible health information • respect for the cultural and religious beliefs of patients and their families is demonstrated when discussing the diagnosis of c. [...] A member of the team records the outcomes of the discussion and treatment plan in the patient history and ensures these details are communicated to the patient’s general practitioner. [...] 4.6.3 Communication with patients, carers and families The lead or nominated clinician should take responsibility for these tasks: • discussing treatment options with patients and carers, including the treatment intent and expected outcomes, and providing a written version of the plan and any referrals • providing patients and carers with information about the possible side effects of treatment, m.
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