FINLAND: EWCO comparative analytical report on Work-related Stress


FINLAND: EWCO comparative analytical report on Work-related Stress

15 Dec 2010

Disclaimer: This information is made available as a service to the public but has not been edited by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. The content is the responsibility of the authors. Work-related stress has been an important aspect when well-being at work has been studied or different measures have been developed to improve working conditions. Time pressure, burnout and different stress outcomes manifest the phenomenon of work-related stress in Finland. It has also been the area where numerous development programs and interventions have tried to get results. During the last few years, measures have emphasized well-being at work promoting positive aspects in spite of trying to prevent work-related stress. Q1 Monitoring work-related stress at the national level 1. Are there any instruments in place to monitor work-related stress at the national level, for example, national surveys, sectoral studies, epidemiological studies, action research, or other research programmes? Please describe the main sources of information available on work-related stress in your country (coverage, methodology, definitions used, etc.). The data in questions 2 and question 3(1) derive from the Quality of Work Life Survey (FQWLS), an extensive personal interview survey conducted since 1977 to monitor employees’ working conditions and changes in them.


Tarja Seppänen

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