cover image: Mapping Australian higher education 2016 - Andrew Norton


Mapping Australian higher education 2016 - Andrew Norton

11 Aug 2021

105 Grattan Institute 2016 8 Mapping Australian higher education 2016 Introduction Mapping Australian higher education 2016 provides an overview government departments and the higher education interest of higher education policy and trends. [...] must comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework This opening chapter explores the issue by examining the (AQF).2 activities of universities, non-university higher education providers and other organisations in the higher education The power to issue particular types of qualifications is the most industry. [...] 1.3.4 Academic freedom In practice, a strong culture of academic freedom is more a The institutional freedom of self-accreditation has its individual feature of universities than of higher education providers equivalent in the idea of academic freedom. [...] 36 In University of Western Australia v Gray the court held that academic staff 37 were, by virtue of the definition of ‘university’ in the UWA Act, members of a DIICCSRTE (2013b); DIICCSRTE (2013a); Department of Education and university, “linked historically by that definition to the idea of the university as a Training (2015f) 38 community of teachers and scholars”, see Stobbs (2015). [...] children of manual workers born in the 1970s had nearly five Source: HILDA (2015) times the higher education attainment of the children of manual workers born in the 1950s.
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