cover image: POLICY BRIEF - China’s Dual Circulation Strategy: Implications and opportunities for


POLICY BRIEF - China’s Dual Circulation Strategy: Implications and opportunities for

28 Sep 2021

According to Framed by the 14th Five-Year Plan, the DCS risk consulting firm Euler Hermes, Malaysia stands aims to enhance China’s self-sufficiency and to lose 6.5% of GDP in the medium term because reduce vulnerability to external shocks.2 The of the reorientation of the BRI.6 The BRI’s shift DCS represents a qualitative change and aims to away from hard connectivity will lead to Chinese transfor. [...] It is in of the disruptions brought by Covid-19, the Health Malaysia’s interests to pursue tech neutrality and Digital Silk Roads offer promising solutions.8 In and avoid getting entangled in rivalries. [...] The centre should not into due to barriers of financing and a lack of be limited to coronavirus research but include green technology.11 China is leading globally other diseases that plague the region, such as in the energy transition and has the resources dengue, tuberculosis and bird flu. [...] On the other and the new BRI presents opportunities to cultivate hand, green development can be seen as Beijing’s response to previous local talent and bring about an industrial upgrade criticism of the BRI’s environmental sustainability as well as China’s new climate change commitments. [...] 8 For example, Indonesia is at the forefront of China’s vaccine cooperation in the region and there are plans to engage on digitalisation and cyber- connectivity.
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