cover image: Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Burkina Faso Jobs and Economic Transformation Project - P177005 (English)


Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Burkina Faso Jobs and Economic Transformation Project - P177005 (English)

27 Oct 2021

Burkina Faso Jobs and Economic Transformation Project (P177005) Sectoral and Institutional Context 7. The economy’s capacity to generate more and better jobs, and the private sector’s ability to progressively diversify into new and more complex products and services, are mainly impeded by: (i) the lack of an enabling business environment, (ii) the scarcity of finance for productive investments; (i [...] The project would furthermore directly support three of the four goals of the World Bank’s Western & Central Africa Region Priorities 2021-2025, and the components of the project follow the same structure: (i) removing bottlenecks that prevent firms from creating more and better jobs; (ii) strengthening human capital and empowering women; and (iii) boosting climate resilience. [...] Finally, the design of the proposed activities would integrate the findings and recommendations of key World Bank Group studies, including: (i) the Burkina Faso Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD, 2020), (ii) the Private Sector Recovery and Jobs Creation Post Covid-19 in Burkina (2021), (iii) the Youth Employment in Value Chains in Burkina Faso: Opportunities for Youth in High-potential Value [...] Figure 4, below the outline of the Components, presents a Results Chain of the constraints, the interventions and the expected high- and low-level outcomes. [...] The second and third components would tackle three of the most binding constraints to growth as identified in the WBG’s Country Private Sector Diagnostic—the issue of skills at the national level and the issues of logistics and energy at specific sub-regions with major agglomerations and value chains.
youth education access to finance information and communication technology value chain coronavirus covid-19 burkina faso jobs labor markets financial sector development working age population mitigation of climate change educational sciences financial sector policy skills development and labor market social protections and labor community health and safety environmental and social risk classification small and medium size enterprise africa west teaching and learning materials access to ict dual training comprehensive monitoring and evaluation regional and global value chains better access to market school youth efficient use of energy


Engman,Michael Olavi

Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Burkina Faso Jobs and Economic Transformation Project - P177005
Originating Unit
EFI- AFR2- FCI- Finance-1 (EAWF1)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
BF-Burkina Faso Jobs And Economic Transformation Project -- P177005
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