cover image: Iron and folic acid consumption and changing social norms: cluster randomized field trial, Odisha, India


Iron and folic acid consumption and changing social norms: cluster randomized field trial, Odisha, India

1 Nov 2021

The idea was to promote the notion that all the other people in the communities were Box 2. Results from the formative assessments that informed the intervention, Odisha, India now supporting women of reproductive age and promoting iron and folic acid Formative assessment findings19 highlighted the need to incorporate gender-based approaches, consumption. [...] Box 3 shows the components of the tory.24 We stratified villages in each arm intervention we used to improve social by the proportion of the population norms and, ultimately, to increase iron Iron and folic acid consumption belonging to a scheduled caste or tribe and folic acid consumption. [...] To sessed descriptive norms through three ters within each arm (41 villages in the bring about change in injunctive norms questions on the participants’ percep- intervention arm and 40 in the control – the pressure people feel to conform – tions of the frequency with which other arm). [...] We used hierarchical Board at George Washington Univer- sample and those who were lost or de- multilinear regression equations to test sity, USA (the recipient of the funding) clined to participate are shown in Table the idea that self-reported iron and folic and the Institutional Review Board 1. Retained women were significantly acid consumption was greater in the of Sigma Science and Research, N [...] Increasing iron and folic acid consumption, India The fourth model tested the propo- Table 1. Characteristics of women retained at follow-up and women lost to follow-up sition that changes in norms would in the cluster randomized trial to increase iron and folic acid consumption, predict changes in self-reported iron and Odisha, India, September 2019–February 2020 folic acid consumption (Table 4),


Rimal, Rajiv N, Yilma, Hagere, Sedlander, Erica, Mohanty, Satyanarayan, Patro, Lipika, Pant, Ichhya, Khuntia, Srimant K, Swain, Minati, Behera, Satyaranjan

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