cover image: Promotion of behavioural change for health in a heterogeneous population


Promotion of behavioural change for health in a heterogeneous population

1 Nov 2021

We can split the and will vary according to culture, the group targeted by total effect of the campaign into a direct effect and an indirect the intervention and the behaviour of interest.13,14 Here we effect (Fig. [...] Direct effect Indirect effect the intervention Moreover, even if individuals amenable to change are not specifically targeted, Amenable Targeting those most Targeting those most likely to change they may self-select to be exposed to individuals likely to change behaviour means relying on the indirect effect behaviour maximizes of the intervention to influence those least the intervention precisely [...] This reasoning may at in Table 1. The best way to resolve the When the probability of responding first seem counterintuitive but, when ev- trade-off, and thus maximize the total to an intervention by changing behav- eryone except the most resistant is likely effect of an intervention, will depend iour is high for everyone except those to respond to the intervention, the best both on how common dif [...] More detailed information on how professionals generally aim to increase Faced with the typical situation in direct and indirect effects are influenced the proportion of vaccinated individuals public health in which people have dif- by the probability of changing behaviour in the population beyond the threshold ferent attitudes and beliefs and where an is available from the data repository.23 for [...] The modelling results reported incentives can favour opting out of vac- here show that the behaviour change The different approaches to changing cination.30 For example, the perceived achievable is strongly influenced by the smoking behaviour discussed above value of vaccination may decrease as the heterogeneity of attitudes and beliefs assume that the interventions involve number of people vaccin
policy & practice


Schimmelpfennig, Robin, Vogt, Sonja, Ehret, Sönke, Efferson, Charles

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