cover image: Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Angola Strengthening Statistical Capacity - P178043 (English)


Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Angola Strengthening Statistical Capacity - P178043 (English)

2 Nov 2021

There is a measurable increasing trend in the frequency and the severity of droughts in several parts of the country, with the number of people affected by these expected to increase in the coming years. [...] An incomplete legal and institutional framework limits the capacity of the NSS and creates deficiencies in the production of quality statistics. [...] Additional challenges include a lack of subscription to the special data dissemination standard (SDDS); delays in the collection of the demographic and health survey; low coverage of the vital statistics, and weak sector statistics because the lack of clear guidance and policies to produce statistics through administrative data. [...] The Angola National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS; 2015–25) defines a strategy toward a modern NSS in Angola, with one of the three main strategic directions being to develop the technical capacity of all NSS stakeholders, including line ministries, to improve the quality of official statistics. [...] The recession that began in 2015 - triggered initially by shocks in oil price and production and more recently exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic - has dramatically changed the country context, the country’s need for support, and thus the partnership between Angola and the World Bank over the past five years.
agriculture public policy fisheries aquaculture civil society labor force participation household survey oil production public debt government spending unemployment rate coronavirus covid-19 angola climate change mitigation civil war economic recession fertility rate sexual harassment social statistics regional statistics foreign currency international standard open data export revenue gender gap gender and development best practice extreme poverty institutional framework public revenue external financing special data dissemination standard fiscal space financial sector development efficiency of public spending national strategy fiscal stress value-added tax river basin climate variability legal framework food insecurity economic diversification young people survey data non-governmental organization price of oil storm surge evidence-based policy formal sector young men impact of climate change gender disparity climate change and agriculture gainful employment oil revenue financial sector policy investment project financing nutrition and population vehicle maintenance science and technology development international waterway financing instrument appropriate mitigation measures civil works grievance redress mechanism capacity strengthening million people science of climate change climate change and environment climate change and health field work communication strategy data availability development partner monitoring activity environmental and social risk classification infection rate in poverty institutional context social protection system cash transfer program young woman regular monitoring quality assessment rural economy recent experiences recent years household welfare national institute births per woman vulnerable employment fiscal revenue international partners africa east global trend corporate commitment vital statistic limited capacity household budget survey national account significant challenge public program government's policy is building adult population vulnerability to climate shocks poverty and equity economic statistic data gaps data coverage efficiency and quality administrative datum statistical system national statistical data production initial investment civil conflict good monitoring demographic and health survey official statistic labor force survey enterprise survey access to employment opportunity severe drought steep decline capacity measure several parts administrative sources primary school enrollment informal jobs public planning voice and agency data service learning experience sex-disaggregated data competitive price monitoring purposes oil exploration tax measure survey enumerator household income and expenditure survey high oil price oil producer system activity vaccination rate capacity indicator important change welfare indicator critical data consulting fees vulnerability to sea level rise high debt ratio expenditure cut foreign exchange statistic water conflict high internal migration citizen ownership


Sousa,Liliana Do Couto

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Angola Strengthening Statistical Capacity - P178043
Originating Unit
EFI-AFR1-POV-Poverty and Equity (EAEPV)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
AO-Angola Strengthening Statistical Capacity -- P178043
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
EFI-AFR1-POV-Poverty and Equity
Volume No


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