cover image: Disclosable Version of the ISR - Atiala-Atsinanana Emission Reductions Program - P167725 - Sequence No : 02 (English)


Disclosable Version of the ISR - Atiala-Atsinanana Emission Reductions Program - P167725 - Sequence No : 02 (English)

11 Nov 2021

The BSP was one of the source documents during the signing of the contract. [...] The final version of the BSP was pending on the adoption of the Forest Carbon Market Decree which formalized some of the benefit sharing arrangements of the BSP. [...] The Decree was adopted by Government Council on October 20, 2021, and the GOM is currently working on the final version of the BSP and it will be submitted to the World Bank prior to the upcoming support mission which will take place November 34 to December 3. The final BSP will be submitted to the FCPF soon after the end of the mission upon consideration of comments made by the task team. [...] Preparing an operations manual for the operation of the designated special account (CAST by its acronym in French) Madagascar has chosen a Special Designated Account in the Treasury or CAST as a transitional mechanism for receiving and managing carbon revenues from the FCPC Carbon Fund. [...] To this end, the submission of an operations manual for the operation of the CAST is one of the conditions for the implementation of the signing of the purchase agreement between Madagascar and the World Bank.
health africa energy climate change madagascar natural resources forest degradation water resources treasury benefit sharing financial sector development fund management natural resources and blue economy public sector development public finance decentralization and poverty reduction public sector economics financial sector policy investment project financing nutrition and population risk category operation risk coastal and marine resources energy and natural resources science and technology development operations manual special account science of climate change climate change and environment climate change and health blue economy environment and sustainable development consultation process legal regime recipient executed activities monitoring plan forest carbon stock purchase agreement co2 emission disbursement procedure legal text carbon revenue



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Disclosable Version of the ISR - Atiala-Atsinanana Emission Reductions Program - P167725 - Sequence No : 02
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MG-Atiala-Atsinanana Emission Reductions Program -- P167725
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