cover image: Disclosable Version of the ISR - Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project - P086592 - Sequence No : 17 (English)


Disclosable Version of the ISR - Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project - P086592 - Sequence No : 17 (English)

10 Nov 2021

The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project (P086592) Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project (P086592) EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA | Kazakhstan | Water Global Practice. [...] This will be achieved through rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage systems; improved management, operationandmaintenance of these systems; and more efficient use of associated irrigated lands; all with improved participation of users indeveloping and managing the rehabilitated / modernized systems. [...] No Components Table Name Rehabilitation and Modernization of I&D Systems Infrastructure:(Cost $323.38 M) Sustainable Management, Operation and Maintenance of I&D Systems:(Cost $6.93 M) Agricultural Development:(Cost $9.80 M) Project Management, Technical Assistance, and Training:(Cost $2.89 M) Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Unsat [...] Nine civil works contracts for rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage (I&D) systems infrastructure (Component 1) are at various stages of implementation, including one contract (GMC sub-project area) near completion and commissioning. [...] The progress of the institutional and capacity building activities aimed at improving management, operation and maintenance of I&D systems (Component 2) and more efficient use of irrigated lands (Component 3) was limited, during the reporting period, due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
agriculture kazakhstan europe and central asia hydrology water resources financial sector development climate change and agriculture financial sector policy investment project financing water and food supply agricultural irrigation and drainage grievance redress mechanism water user irrigation rehabilitation and modernization second irrigation and drainage



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Doc Name
Disclosable Version of the ISR - Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project - P086592 - Sequence No : 17
Originating Unit
Europe and Central Asia
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KZ-Second Irrigation And Drainage Improvement Project -- P086592
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