cover image: Disclosable Version of the ISR - Social Health Insurance Project: Improving Access, Quality, Efficiency and Financial Protection - P152625 - Sequence No : 12 (English)


Disclosable Version of the ISR - Social Health Insurance Project: Improving Access, Quality, Efficiency and Financial Protection - P152625 - Sequence No : 12 (English)

8 Nov 2021

For example, compared to 2019, the introduction of the MSHI has helped increase the overall financing of the previously underfunded health sector by 112 percent, from around KZT 1 trillion for the State Guaranteed Benefits Package (SGBP) alone to KZT 2 trillion in 2021 for both SGBP and MSHI. [...] However, the recent change that modified the calculation of the Government’s health insurance contributions for 15 vulnerable categories of the population may have adverse effects on the access, quality, and financial risk protection aspects of the PDO, as well as the overall sustainability of the MSHI reforms. [...] This change in the calculation methodology, which found its reflection in the health sector's draft budget for the next year currently being considered by the Parliament, substantially reduces the Government-funded revenues of the MSHI system. [...] The Project was restructured in June 2021 to reallocate funds to allow for the possible procurement of additional equipment for COVID-19 response and to extend the Project closing date by nine months until March 31, 2022 to allow for completion of the new procurement processes. [...] Under Component 1, activities supporting implementation of the MSHI system have largely been finalized, including on strengthening the organizational and institutional structure of the MSHI system and enhancing purchasing and payment arrangements in the MSHI context.
kazakhstan health facility europe and central asia industry financial sector development disease management quality of health care human resources for health social health insurance educational program financial sector policy health care services industry health service management and delivery investment project financing nutrition and population health services delivery result indicator health economics & finance health sector financing quality health care health service delivery financial risk protection strengthening human resources inpatient service contracts with providers health sector workers social health insurance system national health accounts payment for service medical education institutions incentives for providers health insurance contributions decision on procurement


Bortman,Carlos Marcelo

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Disclosable Version of the ISR - Social Health Insurance Project: Improving Access, Quality, Efficiency and Financial Protection - P152625 - Sequence No : 12
Originating Unit
Health Nutrition &Population LCR (HLCHN)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KZ-Social Health Insurance Project: Improving Access, Quality, Eff -- P152625
Total Volume(s)
Volume No


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