cover image: Advancing Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) in Nigeria


Advancing Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) in Nigeria

19 Jul 2021

This policy brief provides insights into the policy and institutional frameworks of EOA development in Nigeria. It highlights some of the policies, strategies and plans that have been put in place by the government to enhance EOA subsector to increase food productivity, enhance incomes of farmers as well as ensure food safety while addressing environmental concerns. The findings of the study reveal that there are no policies, strategies or plans that directly support EOA in Nigeria but some of the institutions that support conventional agriculture have been established to also address aspects of EOA development in the country. For instance, the public and private research organizations and institutions continue to conduct research on EOA good practices and technologies. These institutions and organizations are however very few in number and not well motivated. There are not enough established organic produce markets hence the disposal of organic produce is still one of the limiting factors to EOA development in Nigeria. There are few stakeholders involved in capacity building, production, research and dissemination of information on EOA as there are many constraints that militate against the growth and development of the subsector. There is need for policy review especially in the agriculture sector to ensure strong inclusion of EOA friendly statements in order to support its growth to match that of conventional agriculture. It is also important that the engagement of all stakeholders in the subsector is encouraged so as to bridge the existing gaps in information flow, capacity building, awareness creation, and certification as well as funding research and extension services to promote the practices.
food security nigeria agricultural resources organic agriculture ecological organic agriculture


Nicholas Ozor, Alfred Nyambane

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