cover image: Best practice in mental health - Advocacy for African, Caribbean and South Asian communities


Best practice in mental health - Advocacy for African, Caribbean and South Asian communities

22 Feb 2002

The statements and opinions contained within this publication are solely those of the authors and contributors and not of The University of Bristol or The Policy Press. [...] In response to the unequal treatment of black Importantly, the report highlights that black service users within the mental health system, a service users and their carers can assert their collective of people in Yorkshire and the East rights and express their pain only within a safe Midlands interested in race and mental health met environment. [...] This sets the scene for the next users and carers, the barriers they experience, and section, which provides detail about black the changes that need to take place within the empowerment and advocacy in this specific mental health system with specific reference to context and pays particular attention to issues of advocacy. [...] differences between and within groups are related to their history of migration and settlement The small scale of the project meant that it could patterns in Britain, their socioeconomic and do justice to the specific cultural differences of educational backgrounds, and access to health only a few of the many distinct communities in and social care and formal and informal social Yorkshire and the. [...] position of many service users is compounded by The project team had also emphasised the language and communication barriers and the importance of involving service users from some lack of familiarity with the way health and social of the marginalised communities, such as the care agencies work.


Asha Rai-Atkins

Published in
United Kingdom