cover image: ICMPD Urban Mixed Migration Briefing Paper EN 17Nov


ICMPD Urban Mixed Migration Briefing Paper EN 17Nov

16 Nov 2021

The analysis, the 4Mi teams in West and North Africa for MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, the implementation of 4Mi, and the Rabat Process to positively impact global and regional migration Secretariat (funded by the EU and implemented by the policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses ICMPD) for their guidance. [...] Urban Mixed Migration: Experiences of migrants moving to, through and from cities in West and North Africa 25 Conclusions This paper has focused on the role of cities in migration The analysis highlighted how migration can sometimes journeys from urban origins to urban transit and urban be a win-win for refugees and migrants and cities alike. [...] Next, using the case studies of experiences of refugees and migrants in selected cities in North and West Africa, our analysis moved to cities as destinations, with particular focus on the economic opportunities they can offer and the needs of children and youth on the move. [...] 26 Urban Mixed Migration: Experiences of migrants moving to, through and from cities in West and North Africa Policy recommendations • Invest in further quantitative and qualitative With the expectation that urbanisation in North and research and data collection to overcome the key West Africa will continue and accelerate, and that cities barrier of lack of data facing many urban authorities will. [...] Through the provision of credible evidence and expertise, the MMC aims to support agencies, policy makers and practitioners to make well-informed decisions, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to contribute to protection and assistance responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in the sector responding to mixed migration.
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