cover image: What’s the Census and Why Does it Matter? - Table Talk: Family Conversations about Current Events



What’s the Census and Why Does it Matter? - Table Talk: Family Conversations about Current Events

7 Dec 2021

The goal of the Census is to count people living in the U. [...] 1 / 6 The data collected by the Census determines the number of representatives each state sends to the U. [...] According to the 22002200 C Ceennssuuss, the racial and ethnic composition of the U. [...] 3 / 6 In 2018, the Trump administration attempted to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?” Critics of the citizenship question argued that there are other ways to get the information and making this change would discourage non-citizens and even legal immigrants from participating in the Census. [...] Use social media to inform and educate people about the Census, the goal and use of the Census and how people can get access so they can complete it.
Published in
United States of America