Working While Studying: Employment Premium or Penalty for Youth in Benin? - Transforming economies -


Working While Studying: Employment Premium or Penalty for Youth in Benin? - Transforming economies -

13 Sep 2019

▪ The outcome variable : • The duration of transition from school to the first job (in months) ▪ The treatment variable: binary variable indicating whether the youth has already worked while studying Data Work-study Distribution (%) of Youth Who Ever Worked While Studying Sample of youth Still Sample of youth that already in school left school at the time of survey Those Those Total still in not i. [...] Data Work-study Transition from School to First Job: A Summary Sample of youth that already left school (1,162) Those who exited Those still in from the transition the transition % of youth 40.19 59.81 Median transition-to-work period (Y/M) 1.75/21 4.42/53 Median Age of entering in the transition (Y) 22.08 15.25 Median Age of exiting from the transition (Y) 25 - % that exited into self-employment. [...] ➢ The duration of the transition is observed only for youth who left the school. [...] Methodology ▪ Multiequation model: modelling the duration of the transition (T) accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and Sample Selection (1) Outcome equation (2) endogenous treatment equation (3) sample selection equation unobserved errors terms are normal with mean zero and have the following correlation structure: Results Table 3 : Estimation Results of the Duration of the School-to-First-Jo. [...] Regression C—regression excluding subsample of individuals who worked during the school year and individuals who worked during and outside the school year.



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