The sample survey of the economic activity of the population of Ukraine (known in international terms as the labour force survey, or LFS) was developed by the Ukraine State Statistics Committee in accordance with the recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to satisfy a need for reliable data on the labour market. [...] Data for the monthly LFS is collected each month between the 21st and 30th/31st of the month, that is, in the week following the LFS reference week, which is normally the week (Monday to Sunday) containing the 15th day of the month. [...] The main international normative document which specifies the methodology for estimating employment in the informal sector in Ukraine is the Resolution on Statistics of Employment in the Informal Sector, adopted by the Fifteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in 1993.3 According to the national methodology, the population employed in the informal sector comprises all peopl. [...] The main reason for the discrepancy in rates for people aged 15-70 years and the working-age population is that existence of alternative means of subsistence for people aged 55/60+ years — in the form of pensions, non-cash benefits and other social transfers — and also the widespread age discrimination on the Ukrainian labour market and relatively poor health of older people discourage most of the. [...] The share of the pre-pension age group (50-59 years) is nearly the same, whereas the shares of the other four age groups are significantly larger in the economically active population than in the total population and in the economically inactive population.