The parental leave benefit: - a key family policy measure, one decade later


The parental leave benefit: - a key family policy measure, one decade later

8 Dec 2016

How- ever, the later evaluation by the Federal Ministry for Fam- ily Affairs, the authority of the act, added this point to the parental benefit’s set of goals.2 When the earnings- related parental leave benefit replaced the means-tested child rearing allowance, short-term distribution targets became less important.3 1 Proposed legislation of the CDU/CSU and SPD caucuses, “Entwurf eines Gesetzes z. [...] The implementation of the parental leave benefit reform gered in the middle of the 2000s. [...] In the latter, only parents who had a child in the last quarter of the same total amount of parental leave benefit, the payment duration can be 2006 were compared to parents who had a child in the first quarter of 2007. [...] While the share of fathers on parental leave has steadily increased since the introduction of 26 For an overview of international studies on the relationship of fathers to the parental leave benefit, the duration constantly remains relatively short. [...] eliminated the discrimination against parents with part- Although the parental leave benefit has led to changes time employment (Box) and strengthened the effect of in the division of domestic labor, fathers typically take specific components of the parental leave benefit.
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