cover image: Bulgaria Czechia Hungary Montenegro North Macedonia Romania North Macedonia GLOBSEC


Bulgaria Czechia Hungary Montenegro North Macedonia Romania North Macedonia GLOBSEC

14 Nov 2021

He is an assistant professor participated in the design and at HSE University, Russia; implementation of a number The concept of sharp power as well as a research fellow of social and market research at the International Center projects in the fields of social Representative opinion polls Transparency International as efforts which undermine the integrity of institutions through for the Study of I. [...] to the rule of law and its contrasting levels of Beijing’s of an enthusiastic orientation willingness to pursue cooperation and the Kremlin’s ability to The political landscape and towards the EU and NATO and with or membership in important steer political developments its vulnerability to foreign a muted pro-Kremlin and/or democratic multilateral on the ground according to influence, nonetheless,. [...] The first concerns the accession to NATO in 2004 and relations with the Republic of Despite the lack of results so far, ethnocentric idea that Romania is the EU in 2007 (largely branded Moldova, which continues to the general indifference of the a victim of great power games – as a bulwark against potential be seen as Romanian territory population and the presence of this narrative is prominent am. [...] to a stalled anti- has, for several Parliament every stressed that the 18 years, experienced few cycles but they The largest parties in the country process of NATO communist – the National Liberal Party and adaptation must revolution and a a high degree of are kept out of the Social Democrats - and continue.36high degree of political instability, the government, UDMR were founders of the so-called. [...] The availability of / significant efforts the radical base 105, 106 and served funding, support from Western 100 by state actors to as a precursor to the radical partners, and the saliency of party AUR (Alliance for the Unity The overall impact of civil the problems, nonetheless, control or restrict of Romanians), which also has a society on political processes enabled the development of said libe.
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