cover image: Comoros - Joined: December 2013 Highlights


Comoros - Joined: December 2013 Highlights

6 Oct 2015

8 % 0, 037 0, 022 2012 2015 2020 2025 E ffo r t n e e d e d T a r g e t Under e stunting 32.1% o irth eight - 0 5 months old e clusi e reas eeding 12.1% Under e asting 11.1% Under e o er eight 10.9% omen Anaemia 5 ears 30.8% *data sources detailed in Annex 1 Highlights • The multi-sectoral dimension of nutrition is well understood at the decision-making levels and led by the First ady who is the a. [...] 2015 SU N M ov ement A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t Bold text denotes progress reported in the last year A multi-sectoral interim commi ee on good entrepreneurship) from the plan s general commission nutrition governance has been established with the ational Research nstitute for Agriculture Fishing and the establishment of a multi-sectoral pla orm the Environment ( RAPE) and various part. [...] This interim commi ee is chaired by the civil society representative the President of a Comorian The interim commi ee re ared the dra decree or the Consumer Federation (CCF) and co-chaired by the interim ormal a lication o the multi sectoral la orm on good S focal point. [...] The commi ee is made up of representatives go ernance o nutrition, hich is to e signed the from several ministries (health solidarity social cohesion and national authorities The irst ad , ho is the am assador gender promotion agriculture and production education o the SU o ement in the Comoros, heads u the multi commerce and obs work professional training and female sectoral as ect o nutrition Th. [...] As and the orld an The amount allocated to the ro ect is regards the process for data on budget allocations support for US one million the process would be welcome.
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