cover image: Official Journal of the European Union, L 77, 15 March 2006, CELEX1


Official Journal of the European Union, L 77, 15 March 2006, CELEX1

15 Mar 2006

For the purpose of Spanish institutions in the case of Spanish nationals state the number appearing on the national identity card (DNI) or NIE in the case of foreign people, for both cases if it exists, even if the identity card is out of date. [...] Depending on the country, the entry should consist of the territorial division in which the place of birth is located (in the case of France, for example, if the commune of birth is Lille, the department of birth should be given as ‘Nord’ followed by the department code, if the insured person knows it, in this case ‘59’. [...] Moreover, the employer of the posted worker shall inform the competent institution of the sending State of any change that has occurred during the period of posting, in particular: – if the posting applied for has not taken place or if the extension of the posting applied for has not taken place, – i f the posting has been interrupted, unless this interruption of the worker’s activities on behalf [...] Moreover, the employer of the posted worker shall inform the competent institution of the sending State of any change that has occurred during the period of posting, in particular:. [...] In the case of a ship indicate the name of the ship and the ship registration number.


European Union

Catalogue Number
Publications Office of the European Union
Published in
© European Union
