cover image: Boreal Shield and Newfoundland Boreal ecozones +  evidence for key findings summary


Boreal Shield and Newfoundland Boreal ecozones + evidence for key findings summary

29 Apr 2015

This report, Boreal Shield and Newfoundland Boreal ecozones+ Evidence for Key Findings Summary, presents evidence from the Boreal Shield and Newfoundland Boreal ecozones+ related to the 22 national key findings and highlights important trends specific to these ecozones+. [...] This summary report draws from the Boreal Shield Ecozone+ Status and Trends Assessment7 and the draft Newfoundland Boreal Ecozone+ Status and Trends Assessment, as well as the national Technical Thematic Report series that were part of the Ecosystem Status and Trends Report program. [...] It is based on the draft Boreal Shield Ecozone+ Status and Trends Assessment7 and the draft Newfoundland Boreal Ecozone+ Status and Trends Assessment. [...] Overview map of the Boreal Shield and Newfoundland Boreal ecozones+. [...] Map of managed forests in the Saskatchewan and Manitoba portions of the Boreal Shield Ecozone+.


Joan Eamer

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