This has not been consistently in view of changing policies towards industrialization; ▪ Concerns in the initial period (lop sided industrial structure, social and economic differentiation and technological dependence) have not gone away: ▪ The renewed focus on industrialization calls for a careful consideration of the space for inclusivity within Tanzania’s development vision and development plan. [...] Visions 2025 ▪ inclusive growth, ▪ middle income country with transformation of agriculture and industrialization as well as high human development ▪ Build a strong and competitive economy ▪ Education: emphasis on creativity innovativeness and EPZ to attract and promote investments for an export-led industrialisation, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER RENEWED DEVELOPMENT AGENDA 1996 AND AFTER (2) . [...] LESSONS AND ISSUES FOR THE WAY FORWARD (2) Industrialization with competitiveness (lessons before and after SAPs) ▪Trade policy for industrialization ▪ industrialization facilitates trade, and trade also facilitates industrialization ▪ Trade policy to promote industrial development and technological upgrading. [...] ▪ Investment in human resources (education plus specialized training and industrial experience)especially STI ▪ Investment in ICT LESSONS AND ISSUES FOR THE WAY FORWARD (4) Transformation through industrialization in an agricultural and rural economy to driven largely by agricultural and resource-based products ▪upgrading in the context of resource based industrialization ▪ case for agricultural. [...] ▪Level and Pattern of Public investments: ▪Setting up the institutional framework for strategic investments and Implementation ▪ The experience of East Asia shows that the importance of industrial policy was partly reflected in the power vested in the ministries and other institutions responsible for industry.
- Pages
- 18
- Published in
- Finland