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Population & Societies - Family policy in France and Europe: recent changes and effects of the crisis

11 Jun 2014

Family million euros in 2006 to a peak of 3.3 billion in 2010 benefits provide a means to mitigate the effects of the before dropping back to 2.3 billion in 2013. [...] 12%), but much less dramatic than in Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Finland or the Czech Mixed reforms in Germany Republic where, at the beginning of the period, income support represented a much larger share of In Germany, efforts to control social spending have net income than in the other countries. [...] Coverage of The impact of the crisis on parental leave policies childcare provision is much lower than in other has been moderate, and many of the extended rights countries with equivalent family support budgets, and reforms planned before the crisis have effectively and the development of childcare provision is still a come into force;[3] this was notably the case in policy priority. [...] Abstract The second stage was marked mainly by the 2013 The majority of European countries have seen major reform which, while aiming to absorb the deficit of changes in family policy over the last 15 years. [...] As was linked to the “family quotient”(2) and the reduction the case for all forms of social spending, the recent of early childhood benefits (prestation d’accueil du financial crisis prompted a two-stage response: first, jeune enfant), combined with an increase in family a large rise in family spending, with family policy serving to cushion the effects of the crisis, followed by a period of spend.
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