cover image: KENYA ASAL  2.1M 652,960


KENYA ASAL 2.1M 652,960

24 Sep 2021

The key drivers differ from those identified in the LRA 2020: the reported consecutive below-average rainfall, below-average crop production, increasing food prices, and conflict and insecurity in most ASAL livelihood zones The deterioration is attributed to the March-May 2021 Long rains season’s dismal performance, compounded by COVID-19 and poor performance of the previous Short rains season. [...] The response to the negative impact of desert locust infestation was supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Vision, collaborating with the national and county governments. [...] The pasture condition was fair to poor in the pastoral and good to fair in the agro-pastoral zones compared to good to fair in an average year. [...] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that is affecting all counties in the country, the caseload for children aged 6-59 months requiring treatment were calculated for all counties in the country, to inform planning in the context of the pandemic. [...] Risk Factors to Monitor The key factors to monitor over the next six months include: • The effects of COVID-19 on continuity of essential services and impacts on livelihoods • Nutrition situation across the country given the high levels of malnutrition across the counties and worsening projection • National food stocks • Livestock disease outbreaks and deaths • Resource-based conflicts and insecur.
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