cover image: Sumaq Kausay and Ayllu: Quechua values and


Sumaq Kausay and Ayllu: Quechua values and

10 Aug 2021

Globalised market forces, and food and seed policies have been promoting modernisation and transformation away from traditional and biodiverse smallholder systems, endangering local and global food security and the wellbeing and resilience of smallholder and 7 QUECHUA VALUES AND WORLDVIEWS IN THE CHALAKUY MAIZE PARK, PERU, 2021 Indigenous farmers. [...] The exchange of experiences and knowledge among the Potato Park communities, scientists and policymakers has supported the development of local, national and international policies to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples, traditional agricultural and food systems, and the rights of Mother Earth, ‘la Pacha Mama’. [...] The training sought to ensure the reliability of the results and their ability to independently carry out research, and included a focus on ANDES’ code of ethics, facilitation and biocultural research methods and Farmer Field Schools, and awareness of relevant national and international policies. [...] • In September and October 2019, interviews were conducted with policymakers, including Gabriel Quijandria, the Vice Minister of Environment (MINAM), the head of the Directorate for Biodiversity of the MINAM, the head of the National Program on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), and with members of the Peruvian Network for the Environment (Red Ambiental Peruana) and local NG. [...] Specific research activities carried out include: • Analysis of the key elements of the Ayllu system in the local context 13 QUECHUA VALUES AND WORLDVIEWS IN THE CHALAKUY MAIZE PARK, PERU, 2021 • Identification of key threats to the local biocultural system • Characterisation of the various agroecological zones and identification of the altitudinal zones with important wild and cultiv.


Alasdair Brown

Published in
United Kingdom