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Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe - Best Practice Guide on

25 Oct 2021

Aim The purpose of this guide is to provide information and analysis for developing policy and designing general guidelines and procedures for the destruction of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)1 from the time of identification for destruction until the final disposal of scrap material. [...] Contribute to the reduction, and prevention, of the excessive and destabilizing accumulation and uncontrolled spread of small arms, taking into account legitimate requirements for national and collective defense, internal security and participation in peacekeeping operations under the Charter of the United Nations or in the framework of the OSCE; c. [...] • National infrastructure: The distance between SALW sites, the quality and quantity of transportation routes, the locations of SALW relative to major destruction and recycling sites, and the quantity and quality of transportation vehicles will often be significant factors in deciding what method of destruction to use and where it should be carried out. [...] General information Details of ferrous shredder locations and the tendering of bids or issuing of contracts for the recycling of SALW can be obtained from the sources noted in the endnotes to this Annex. [...] The Report of the UN Secretary-General to the Security Council on Methods of Destruction of Small Arms, Light Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives, (S/2000/1092, 15 November 2003, ), which draws to some extent on the BICC Report, provides a more comprehensive examination of various destruction procedures and methodologies.


David Declerq

Published in