Issue Brief - Assumption #4: T


Issue Brief - Assumption #4: T

2 Dec 2021

nonpartisan commitment to the cause of security, support for US leadership in cooperation with allies and partners, and • US democracy support should follow a triage approach, providing assistance dedication to the mentorship of the next to countries on the precipice of democratic backsliding, while investing in civil generation of leaders. [...] The calamitous invasion democratic institutions.10 Biden has so often framed the central and occupation of Iraq in 2003 under the guise that the United issue of US foreign policy as the need to bolster democracy States would bring democracy to the country laid bare to many against growing authoritarianism that some are already calling that the rhetoric of democracy promotion could be used to justi. [...] The lack of public support for prioritizing democracy promotion, paired with the declining health of US democracy, makes the Meanwhile, the state of democracy in the United States declarations that democracy is a prime value of the United itself has degraded, undercutting attempts by US leaders to States open to question. [...] to the extent that it exists, is too small, relative to the outsized The United States has different interests in Russia compared power of the monarchy, to offer any real upside to an outside to Saudi Arabia, and applying the same policies to the two partner like the United States. [...] Bush their coup and prior, hosting calls for genocide against the administration learned this the hard way, being surprised by the Rohingya people.51 The United States has double the incentive victory of Hamas in the US-supported Palestinian elections in to work toward solutions in the disinformation space, having its 2006 and going to great, and anti-democratic, lengths to try to democracy attack.
Published in
United States of America